Key figures
- Leader
in commercial property management in continental Europe
- 48.8m
sq.m of commercial real estate under management in Europe*
- 44
Property Management agencies in Europe, covering 10 countries
*2022 figures

While a building is often essentially an empty shell, real value that stands the test of time depends on making sure people want to keep coming back to it for more.
Real estate intelligence to boost property performance
Real estate is in a state of transformation, as companies race to develop new services that respond to worker demands to increase their well-being and productivity. For example, many buildings incorporate gym centres and personal services such as childcare, concierges and car washes.
Meanwhile, buildings themselves, are becoming greener and more intelligent. “Smart Buildings” are now able to implement innovative and interactive management tools which supervise budgets in real time, monitor performance and optimise safety. When combined with open innovation and collaboration, the resulting data can be used to develop new services that create value and improve employee comfort.
As the digital transformation continues to unfurl, property managers must leverage new technologies to constantly improve productivity and responsiveness. To keep pace with these changes, clients require not only technical and administrative management skills, but industry-leading advice on optimising building performance and maximising value.
Your longstanding reliable partner in property management
Do you need to optimise your cash flow and manage contractual obligations linked to your leases? Satisfy your tenants and their employees by providing value-added services? Provide technical and equipment maintenance for your buildings? Or need help effectively managing service costs, risk insurance or disputes?
As Continental Europe’s leading commercial property manager, BNP Paribas Real Estate is committed to enhancing the value of your real estate assets and optimising occupier satisfaction thanks to our rigorous and proactive property management. Our expert teams monitor the latest trends in offices, logistics and retail, ensuring value by helping workplaces boost employee productivity, wellbeing and satisfaction.
Aiming for continuous improvement in client satisfaction, our driving force is to achieve operational excellence. This commitment is built on 4 cornerstones: our organisational strength; our staff’s professionalism and expertise; the strength of our information system; and our rigorous processes. In addition, to meet your social responsibility and environmental needs, our work is guided by sustainability and innovation.
We analyse energy and economic performance using a digital services platform, which centralises smart real estate data for the benefit of occupiers, investors and service providers. Our Data & Analytics department modernises the processing and analysis of data in order to provide you with the most cutting-edge innovative services.
Our highlighted projects
Pradera retail parks - Europe
In April 2017, retail asset manager Pradera selected BNP Paribas Real Estate for a major property management contract in eight countries. The contract covers 18 retail parks and shopping center home to major international brands including IKEA. Covering 440,000 sq.m, we provide tailored services for retail parks and shopping centres in Germany, Poland and France.
DEKA portfolio – Germany
With 36 properties located around Stuttgart, München and Frankfurt, BNP Paribas Real Estate manages a total area of 570,000 sq m of offices, hotels, logistics and retail spaces for DEKA.